Kromski Sonata Magnetic Flyer
Kromski Sonata Magnetic Flyer
The new Magnetic Sonata Flyer Head is a breeze to use with a pre-assembled maiden and spindle. Comes ready to attach to the wheel post with the twist of a single knob, just like the original Sonata design The ball bearing spindle offers an incredibly smooth rotation while spinning. The innovative magnetic flyer attachment means that you can change bobbins very easily and quickly. In addition, the flyer sets forward on the wheel, bringing the orifice closer to the spinner. AvaiIable in Natural, Walnut or Mahogany finish. ** SELECT FINISH COLOUR IN SHIPPING NOTES.
- Mother of All Base with Maiden
- Standard Slow Whorl - 5,5.1 and 9.5:1
- Standard fast Whorl - 10, 5.1 and 15:1
- Magnetic Flyer with Sliding Hooks
- Compatible with Standard Kromski Bobbins
- Additional Whorls available - Extra Slow Jumbo Whorl 4,4.1 and 6.5:1 Extra Fast Whorl 20:1 and 22:1
- Yellow, Pink or Blue Flyer hooks are available as an extra purchase. Brown hooks are standard included
We endeavour to hold stock of all Kromski parts and accessories however due to frieght challenges and distance, there is 3 - 4 week wait if a size, colour or item is not in stock. If you are in need of an item urgently, please contact us via the Email Enquiry Form.
SPECIAL NOTE: Prices and delivery times on all Kromski products may vary due to the conflict in Ukraine and its close proximity to Poland. We continue to support Kromski in every way we can.