Safety Data Sheets

We are adding to the list regularly, if there is an SDS you need that is
not yet downloadable please give us a call (03 9465 4865) or email us
via the contact page.

Direct Dyes Download
Drimarene K Dyes Download
Landscapes Dyes - Cotton Download
Landscapes Dyes - Wool and Silk Download
Procion MX Dyes Download
Remazol Dyes Download
Tie Dye Kit Download
Natural Dyes
Indigo - Natural Download
Indigo - Prereduced Download
Indigo - Synthetic Download
Paints and Inks
Eco Food Dyes Download
Opulence Embellishment Inks Download
Opulence Heat Set Silk Dyes Download
Opulence Steam Fix Silk Dyes Download
Shimmer Paints Download
Sun Dyes Download
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Auxiliaries and Chemicals
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Algipaste Download
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Aluminium Potassium Sulphate (Potash Alum) Download
Aluminium Sulphate Download
Calcium Carbonate Download
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Cold Wax Download
Copper Sulphate Download
Devore Paste Download
Dextrin TW Download
Dynazol Washoff Download
Ferrous Sulphate Download
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Glauber Salt Download
Glycerine Download
Guar Gum Download
Clear Water-Based Gutta Download
Hydros ST Download
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Mesitol NBS40 Download
Polytex MF-U Download
Polytex NOC Download
Resist Salt L Download
Soda Ash Download
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Synthrapol Download
Texacid ECO Download
Texiflock E-FF Download
Transfix Medium Download
Unicorn Beyond Soft Download
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Urea Download
Wetter OT Download